07.04.2021 • 

What was the Lusitania? What happened to the Lusitania off the Irish coast? 2. What was the initial response to the outbreak of war during the summer of 1914?
3. Which country launched the first attack?
4. By the end of the first year, how many casualties had France already suffered?
5. What was the US’s official response to the war in Europe?
6. How were Americans kept informed about the progress of the war in Europe?
7. How was the war “good for America” by 1915?
8. When immigration restrictions caused job shortages in the US, who was hired to fill vacant spots?
9. What type of defenses had both sides constructed on the Western Front?
10. How did the American poet Alan Sieger describe the soldiers’ experiences in the trenches?
11. What did American factories begin to produce in response to the needs of the war?
12. What did soldiers do with the bodies of soldiers who had been killed?
13. What new weapons were used in WWI?
14. What was the outcome of the 1st day of the Battle of the Somme?
15. What were the soldiers supposed to do when the officers blew the whistle?
16. After 6 months of fighting at the Somme, how much land had been gained?
17. What happened in Russia during the war?
18. What did Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks hope to create in Russia?
19. What actions had Germany taken that convinced President Wilson to ask for a declaration of war?
20. What problems did the Americans face when they arrived in France?
21. What French city was nearly captured by the Germans?
22. What happened to the Kaiser of Germany?
23. What happened on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month?
24. What problems did American soldiers face when they returned home?
25. How many men died in WWI?
26. What peace plan did Wilson take to the Peace Conference at Versailles?
27. According to the video, the peace conference was about , not peacemaking.

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