17.12.2019 • 

Which best describes the events that led to the creation of the us constitution?

a)the states were under the articles of confederation, a document that gave power to a strong executive and congress, essentially recreating the british system and therefore going against the ideals of the revolution. as a result, farmers in pennsylvania, led by daniel shays, revolted against the new government, forcing a constitutional convention to create a new form of government.

b)when it looked as though the us was going to win the war for independence, the continental congress created the united states constitution which outlines the form of government we still use today.

c)the states were under the articles of confederation, a document that decentralized power, leaving most to the states, was wholly ineffectual at guiding the economy and dealing with the internal issue. as a result it could do little in the face of an economic recession and revolts in the countryside, like the one led by daniel shays. in response, american leaders called for reforming the articles, leading eventually the creation of the us constitution

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