10.02.2021 • 

1) Maggie shook 100 pennies in a container and counted how many landed heads up. Approximately what fraction of pennies would you expect to land heads up? a) 1/4

b) 1/2

c) 3/4

d) 4/4

2) If three half-lives have passed, what fraction of the isotopes will still be parents?

a) 1/2

b) 1/4

c) 1/8

d) 1/16

3) A sample has a half-life of 1000 years. 1/4 of the isotopes are parents. How old is it?

a) 250 years

b) 500 years

c) 2000 years

d) 4000 years

4) A sample has a half-life of 1 million years. 1/8 of the isotopes are parents. How old is it?

a) 250,000 years

b) 500,000 years

c) 2 million years

d) 3 million years

(answer all and I will mark your answer the brainliest or you can just answer one)

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