A car has a 16-gallon fuel tank. When driven on a highway, it has a gas mileage of 30 miles per gallon. The gas mileage (also called "fuel efficiency tells us the number of miles the car can travel for a particular amount of fuel (one gallon of gasoline, in this case). After filling the gas tank, the driver got on a highway and drove for a while
a. How many miles has the car traveled if it has the following amounts of gas left in the tank?
L. 15 gallons
11. 10 gallons
11.2.5 gallons
b. Write an equation that represents the relationship between the distance the car has traveled in miles, d, and the amount of gas left in the tank in gallons,
C. How many gallons are left in the tank when the car has traveled the following distances on the highway
L 90 miles
II. 246 miles
d. Write an equation that makes it easier to find the the amount of gas left in the tank, z, if we know the car has traveledd miles,

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