07.04.2021 • 

A manufacturer produces three​ products, A,​ B, and C. The profits for each unit of​ A, B, and C sold are ​$1 ​, ​$2 ​, and ​$3 ​, respectively. Fixed costs are ​$17 comma 000 per​ year, and the costs of producing each unit of​ A, B, and C are ​$4 ​, ​$5 ​, and ​$7 ​, respectively. Next​ year, a total of 11 comma 000 units of all three products is to be produced and​ sold, and a total profit of ​$21 comma 000 is to be realized. If total cost is to be ​$75 comma 000 ​, how many units of each of the products should be produced next​ year? nothing units of product​ A, nothing units of product​ B, and nothing units of product C should be produced.

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