06.05.2020 • 

A sample of blood pressure measurements is taken for a group ofadults, and those values (mm Hg) are listed below. The values are matched so that 1010 subjects each have a systolic and diastolic measurement. Find the coefficient of variation for each of the twosamples; then compare the variation.
Systolic (#'s on right) Diastolic (#'s on left)
117; 80
126; 77
158; 76
96; 51
157; 90
122; 89
116; 60
134; 64
127; 72
122; 83
1) The coefficient of variation for the systolic measurements is __ % ?
2) The coefficient of variation for the diastolic measurements is __ %?
3) The coefficients of variation for each data set are [within 5 percentage points of each other OR more than 5% apart]. Therefore, the systolic measurements vary [signicantly more than, signifcantly less than, OR about the same

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