04.11.2020 • 

According to the article "Which Adults Do Underage Youth Ask for Cigarettes?" (American Journal of Public Health (1999): 1561—1564), 43.6% of the 149 18- to 19-year-olds in a random sample have been asked to buy cigarettes for an underage smoker. Is there convincing evidence that fewer than half of 18- to 19- year-olds have been approached to buy cigarettes by an underage smoker? State the appropriate H0 and Ha to test this suspicion. Carry out the test at the 1% level, showing all steps clearly labeled, including giving the test statistic value derived from its formula with substituted values, and including the calculated Pvalue showing proper inputs to normalcdf. Remember to interpret the result in full english sentences (no notation, use story problem situation with units of measure where applicable).

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