22.12.2021 • 

At time t= 0, a storage tank is empty and begins filling with water. For t > 0 hours, the depth of the water in the tank is increasing at a rate of W (t) feet per hour. Which of the following is the best interpretation of the statement W' (2) > 3? a. Two hours after the tank begins filling with water, the depth of the water is increasing at a rate greater than 33 feet per hour.
b. Over the first two hours after the tank begins filling with water, the depth of the water is always increasing at a rate greater than 3 feet per hour.
c. Two hours after the tank begins filling with water, the rate at which the depth of the water is rising is increasing at a rate greater than 3 feet per hour per hour.
d. Over the first two hours after the tank begins filling with water, the rate at which the depth of the water is rising is always increasing at a rate greater than 33 feet per hour per hour.

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