16.10.2020 • 

Check all true statements. A. For all nonempty sets A, B, C, D, if A x B = C x D, then A = C and B = D.
B. For all sets A, B, the power set of the cartesian product of A and B is the cartesian product of the power sets of A and B. If A={1,2} and B={3} then A x B ={ {1,3}, {2,3} }.
C. The cartesian product has a cancellation property, i.e. if A x B = A x C for some sets A, B, C and A nonempty, then B = C. If A={1,2} and B={3} then A x B ={ (1,3), (2,3) }.
D. The cartesian product is symmetric, i.e. A x B = B x A for all sets A, B. For all sets A, B, the cardinality of A x B is the sum of the cardinalities of A and B.
E. The cartesian product is associative, i.e. (A x B) x C = A x (B x C) =for all sets A, B, C. Both sets are equal to A x B x C.
F. The cartesian product has a cancellation property, i.e. if A x B = A x C for some sets A, B, C, then B = C.

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