Goal: Your task is to determine the actual speed traveled by a Ford F-150 with a variety of tire dimensions


You are the owner of a new Ford F-150


The judge and policeman that have charged you with speeding


A standard Ford F150 has a standard tire size of 25.7 inches in diameter. You decided to replace the standard tires with a tire with a diameter of 28.2 inches without updating the onboard computer. Last week you were stopped for speeding on the highway where the speed limit is 65 mph. With the change in tires, how fast was the truck actually traveling when the speedometer read 65 mph? If you had used 24 inch tires, what would the actual speed have been if the speedometer read 65 mph?

Product or Performance:

You should develop a document to be presented to the judge that explains your speed if you still had the original 25.7 inch tires, your actual speed with the new 28.2 inch tires, and your speed if you replaced the wheels with 24 inch tires.

Standards for Success:

Your document should include the following:

the calculations you used to determine the linear speed of the truck with the original 25.7 inch tires
the calculations you used to determine the actual linear speed of the truck with the 28.2 inch tires
the calculations you used to determine the linear speed of the truck with 24 inch tires
the document should be presented in a professional manner that would be acceptable to present in a courtroom
the document should explain the calculations in a clear, organized manner

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