22.09.2021 • 

Imagine you bought 100 shares of stock three years ago and are selling it today. Select a company and research its stock prices. You can start with websites like Nasdaq and Fidelity. Determine the stock's price three years ago, or the purchase price, and its price today, or the selling price. Part Two–Determine the Real Return
Calculate the real return of your stock investment using the following information:

Purchase price of 100 shares of stock
Selling price of 100 shares of stock
10% tax rate
3% inflation rate
2% administrative fee on the selling price of the stock
Part Three–Evaluate
Analyze your research and calculations, and answer the following questions:

What company did you select to buy stock in? Why did you select the company?
Consider the real return of the stock investment. Do you consider it a wise investment? Why or why not?

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