21.10.2019 • 

In technical drawings, it is frequently important to preserve the scale of the objects being represented. in order to
acomplish this, we use an orthographic projection instead of a perspective projection. the idea behind the
orthographic projection is that the points are translated at right angles to the screen (the word stem ortho- means
straight or right). to project onto the xx-plane for instance, we can use the matrix 0 0
0 1 0

a. project the cube in problem 1 onto the xx-plane by finding the 8 points that correspond to the vertices.
b. what do you notice about the vertices of the cube after projecting?
c. what shape is visible on the screen?
d. is the area of the shape that is visible on the screen what you expected from the original cube? explain.
e. summarize your findings from parts (a)–(d).
f. state the orthographic projection matrices for the xx-plane and the yy-plane.
g. in regard to the dimensions of the orthographic projection matrices, what causes the outputs to be

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