05.01.2021 • 

Jus a rant and facts bc why not! You know what when i actually think about depression i find it very sad. it's sad how a person has to experience those feelings and live with them each day. Deal with those things day after day month after month year after year. people that take depression and make it a way to get attention, honestly you should not do that because it is one of the most painful things to deal with. It changes everything, the way you act, the way you live. it changes the amount of friends you have, because when your depressed you push people away, you don't mean to but you lose half the things you love. You wake up everyday with a feelings of hate for the world and your life. You go to sleep just wishing that some reason you won't wake up. Depression is not something to be happy about. and to be honest, i hate the fact that everything i just said is only a quarter of what i feel. Some people get excited when they're diagnosed with depression. "oh im going to tell my friends, maybe i'll get sympathy" no you won't it's the worst thing that's why when people are diagnosed with depression they feel crazy, depressed, in pain, and can't escape it. no one takes depression serious.

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