10.06.2021 • 

Life is ultimately meaningless The planet's being destroyed by your carbon emissions 98 percent of what you learn is a waste Your brain is flawed, and all your friends will die This graceful bird means freedom for all Tell that to the slaves, and bald eagles aren't bald At any time you could get clinical depression t's quite genetic, and we have no cure Banks can crash and capitalism is flawed I put a lotta effort in my resume!
Good thing you don't have a black person's name What could possibly stop me?
The shrinking middle class You'll be empty with nothing to distract from it You're a slave to people born richer than you Life is a wonder
You'll never know the answer
Nature is a miracle
Natural disasters
It's good to be alive
You could wake up with cancer
But I'm healthy
Healthy people still get cancer
I love this show
It's the last episode
The sun is shining
It's going to explode
Every species is beautiful and unique, though
Children have malaria thanks to mosquitoes
I met a cute girl with a ponytail
Statistically, that relationship is going to fail
I have a wonderful family, it's like no other
You're not special, and one day you'll bury your mother
No matter what, I can find a home!
We, Will All, Die, Alone
There's amazing potential in every human on Earth
There's no escaping the heat death of the universe
I don't have to live life based on negative parts
No matter how bad they are, they're just thoughts

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