26.03.2021 • 

Mr. Gow needs to build a wheelchair access ramp for the school's auditorium. The ramp must rise a total of 3 feet to get from the ground to the entrance of the building. In order to follow the state building code, the angle formed by the ramp and the ground cannot exceed 4.75°. Mr. Gow plans from the planning department that call for the ramp to start 25 feet away from the building code?

a. Draw an appropiate diagram. Add all the measurements you can. What does Mr. Gow need to find?

b. According to the plan in part (a), what angle will the ramp make with the ground? Will the ramp be to code?

c. If Mr. Gow builds the ramp exactly to code, how long will the ramp be? In other words, at least how far from the building must the ramp start in order to∞ meet the building code? Show all work.


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