25.02.2021 • 

Poor Luigi (the dog) is stuck in the middle of a very long double L-shaped dock (pictured below). Mario and Dominic can run (on the dock) to get to him or they can each row (on the water) to reach him. Each boy can run at a rate of 5mph. They also row at the same rate. If Mario rows to Luigi, it will take twice the time than if he ran. If Dominic rows to Luigi, it will take 1 /2 the time than if he ran (since he is going downstream). Use the distances for each section of dock noted on the diagram to find the rate that the boys row and the rate of the current. Find rates in mph and round answers to the nearest hundredth.

Poor Luigi (the dog) is stuck in the middle of a very long double L-shaped dock (pictured below). M

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