03.02.2020 • 

Precalculus question: if you don't know how to do college-level math, don't give me a useless "this is hard" or "look at your notes." i've looked through my notes and my textbook and genuinely need . so if you've passed college trig or precalculus, .

look at the images attatched and see if you can me. i've already found the speed of the merry-go-round to be 13.963 ft/s, and i know for sure the graph of the shadow's motion is sinusoidal. however, i'm not sure how to make that graph or where to go from here.

Precalculus question: if you don't know how to do college-level math, don't give me a useless "this
Precalculus question: if you don't know how to do college-level math, don't give me a useless "this
Precalculus question: if you don't know how to do college-level math, don't give me a useless "this

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