13.04.2021 • 

Pumpkin patch (Area = 2m to the second power+ 3m - 14) feet^2

Edina must use "factor by grouping" and find two factors to represent the
length and width of the rectangular pumpkin patch above. The area of the
pumpkin patch was given. How far can you go to help her? Can the guidelines
below help you to help her?
1) Write the standard form of a 2nd degree trinomial polynomial.
2)Find the value of the product of (a)(c)?
3)Split the bx term into two other terms? Justify with evidence.
4) Group the Quadrinomial you created
5)Find the GCF of each binomial in your Quadrinomial
6)Check you response 7) Justify the factors of the length and width? Explain

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