31.08.2020 • 

scientists did a ten year study to investigate the effect of tagging penguins with either a metal strip or an electronic tag. In the study, a sample of 100 penguins were randomly assigned to one of two groups, then followed for 10 years. The study learned that, overall, penguins tagged using a metal strip had fewer chicks, had a lower survival rate (percent to survive over the decade), and on average took significantly longer on foraging trips than penguins who were tagged with an electronic tag. 1)What are the cases in this study? What are the variables? Identify each variable as categorical or quantitative 2) Is this an experiment or observational study? 3) the description above indicates that the scientists found a strong association between the type of tag, and various measures, with the metal tagged penguins having less success. Can we conclude that the metal tag is causing the problems? 4Which variable is the explanatory variable? Which ones can be considered response variables?

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