18.06.2020 • 

While doing your calculations, Ameritrade has asked that you keep their most recent policy in mind. Ameritrade has instituted a policy in which firms with prices within ~68% of the normal distribution of scores are ignored, outside ~68% (but within ~95%) of the normal distribution of scores are monitored, and outside ~95% of the normal distribution of scores are restricted. This policy is based on the most recent fraudulent activities that took place at Firm X. Provide the cutoff values you would use to ignore, monitor, or restrict trade for Firm A based on the recent policy implemented by Ameritrade. Use the numeric values in the following graphic as a guide. Mean SDFirm A 1.01 .66Firm B 1.70 .83
1)2)3)4)5)Given your calculations in the question, state the decision you would make (i.e., ignore, monitor, or restrict trade) if the stock price for Firm A changed to each of the three values presented below.a) $1.00b) $2.10c) $0.85

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