26.11.2021 • 

You could give away 70 coffee mugs without charging anything. If you charge $10.00, nobody will buy the coffee mugs. You also figured out that your sales will be decreasing
following straight line. Your job is to find the maximum possible revenue from selling the coffee mugs.
Answer the following questions:

1. Graph the linear relationship between the price of coffee mugs p, and the number of coffee mugs sold S.
Hint: To give away 70 coffee mugs means when the price p=0, S(0) = 70. Plot that point on the graph. Find one
more point using the other given condition. Keep in mind S(p) is a linear function. Be careful what will be
represented on the x-axis, and what will be represented on the y-axis.
2. Find the equation of the linear function S(p) that describes the quantity sold as a function of the price p.
3. The revenue is determined by R = Sp. Express the revenue as a function of the price p.
Help: You may look at the examples from the power point for section 2.6
4. Graph the revenue function. Make sure to label the x - and the y - axis with the appropriate units.
5. At which price per coffee mug do you not make any money?
6. Find the price per coffee mug that makes the most revenue.
7. How many coffee mugs must be sold to maximize the revenue?
8. What is the maximum revenue?
9. What price per coffee mug you should charge to collect at least $70 in revenue?
Your project will be graded based on the following:
1. Turned in a hard copy, and an electronic version as a PDF file on Blackboard on time (due date Dec 7
or before ) (5pts. deduction per day)
2. Completeness (no missing part, show all of your work, calculations, formulas used etc.
3. Precision ( correct answers )
4. Complete graph
the graph has a title
the axes are labeled ( make sure you have included the units of measurement)


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