16.10.2019 • 

Me, i do not understand this exercice and i really need your ..on june 14, 2007, austria's herbert nitsch broke his world record in depth diving. it descended to 214 m below sea level. during its ascent, it respected a constant speed of 3 m / s to the depth of 70 m, then it slowed to the surface. a fixed camera filmed part of his ascent. three images taken at intervals of 3 s were assembled in the document opposite.

1. according to the document, what is the nature of the diver's trajectory?

2. using the diver's positions on the document, how do you justify a constant value for the diver's speed?

3. specify the direction and direction of the diver's ascent rate.

4. using the scale given on the document, calculate the distance traveled by the diver in 3 s. deduce the value of the speed of the diver.

5. is the diver in the initial phase or in the final phase of recovery on the document?

6. use two adjectives to describe the diver's movement during this ascent phase

Me, i do not understand this exercice and i really need your ..on june 14, 2007, austria's herbert

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