05.05.2020 • 

Read the scenario and then do the task that follows.

Picture this:
You are finally able to get out of your house after the stay in place order has been lifted. You say to yourself, “I’ve always wanted to take a hot air balloon ride, now is the perfect time.”
You book a ride on a beautiful blue and yellow striped balloon, meet the pilot and your 3 best friends that you haven’t been within 6 feet of in months and take off. The day is perfect, it is 85 degrees and sunny.
Your balloon takes off and you are having the time of your life.
As your balloon rises into the sky, you notice that the temperature drops suddenly and you put your sweater on. However, that is not the only thing that drops, the balloon starts to drop as well, just as you are approaching a mountain. The pilot has a panic attack and has no idea what to do. Your perfect hot air balloon ride is about to turn into a disaster.
Thankfully for you and the passengers, you have just completed a thorough and interesting unit on Thermal Energy and know exactly what the pilot should do and why.

Your Task
What do you tell him to do?
2. Explain why you are giving him that advice.
Answer this in one well written 5-10 sentence paragraph.
Make sure you include information about how temperature affects molecules, kinetic energy of molecules, and how all of that impacts the motion of the hot air balloon.

*Think back to the videos of how a hot air balloon works when you are giving your advice to the pilot.

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