24.05.2021 • 
Social Studies

1.America is exploding across the continent. The economy is booming. in the South, in the North 2. The is the biggest construction project in the Western world in the last 4000 years
3. They call it "Clinton's big ditch," but it will change forever.
4. They're literally moving mountains and there's only one way through, .
5. Eight years of digging. Nearly lives lost
6. takes off as a global financial center.
7. A simple patent filed on March 4, 1794, changes all that. The .
8. Called , cotton supports a new lavish lifestyle in the South.
9. The South is thriving on the backs of humans owning other humans. It's called .
10.For the South, cotton is a gold mine. Now the North wants a piece of the action. It's a partnership that makes everyone rich, based on a new machine, the .
11.Women from the Lowell Mills gather after work and organize. Their protest against is one of the first in US history
12. It's auction day. The day every slave the most.
13.Now men cost $1000. Women, $800. Children,.
14. Slaves are for auction, like livestock.
15.Frederick makes it to New York City and freedom and becomes a leading figure in the antislavery movement. He'll write a best-selling autobiography.
16.The best hope for escaped slaves is the legendary and the tireless efforts of Harriet Tubman.
17.Harriet Tubman is the of our people
18. The Fugitive brings the brutality of Southern slavery to the North.
19. One man will stop at nothing to abolish slavery. .
20.The divide between North and South is an open wound. bleeds for two years, more than 200 dead.
21. Brown prepares to take the fight into the heart of the South. His plan, to capture the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, the biggest in the South. muskets and pistols, worth almost $7 million.
22. Radical abolitionist John Brown is trying to inspire a slave revolt. have joined him and now he's trapped.
23. Charged as a criminal, he puts the institution of slavery on trial. America is fatally divided. Brown is convicted of and sentenced to .
24. will be elected president of a country hurtling towards war.
25. But as he prepares to take office, the President-elect is still determined to avoid a . Lincoln was not happy about slavery.
26. secedes from the Union
27.Lincoln's principal objective was to save the Union and then we'll deal with slavery, but before too long, he had to both and deal with slavery.
28.A virtual state of war already exists. The South mobilizes an army of men against a Union army of million.
29. In the next four years, more lives will be lost than in all America's .

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