27.04.2021 • 
Social Studies

3. PART B: Which TWO phrases from the text best support the answers to Part A?
A. "A certain kind of optimist imagines that, if we ruin our own Earth, we can
reseed our species there." (Paragraph 1)
B. "...if the people of that other world are wise... They will surely consider how we
handled our first planet before deciding if we should be trusted with theirs."
(Paragraph 5)
C. "Our instinct for self-continuation is itself a primary reason for launching frozen
embryos into space." (Paragraph 6)
D. "In the total span of human existence, more people have lived in mutually
supportive clans, villages and communities than in the hyper-individualistic
culture now dominant." (Paragraph 12)
E. "We cannot digest food without an ecosystem of bacteria in the gut, different in
each person, which comes to us from the environment of childhood."
(Paragraph 17)
F. "This kind of optimist would imagine no need to leave the planet Earth. Instead,
we would come to our senses in time to stop killing our life-support system..."
(Paragraph 18)

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