11.03.2021 • 
Social Studies

Tides are periodic rise and fall of the water level in the sea which occur at regular intervals twice a day.' Justify this statement by giving answers to the following questions. a) Differentiate between Springtide and Neap tide.
b) Analyze the position of the Sun, Moon, and the Earth during Spring tide and Neap tide.
c) 'The moon exerts a larger gravitational pull on the Earth than the Sun'. Why?

a) Define Biodiversity.
b) Define planetary winds.
c) Define Crest.
d) Write any two characteristics of Desert vegetation in the UAE.
e) 'Unscientific intervention of human beings deplete our environment.' As a student suggest two ways to protect our environment in a sustainable way?

Akbar's Land-Revenue System is described in the 'Ain-i-Akbari'.
As the tax was the main source of income, Akbar entrusted Raja Todarmal to devise a new and effective method of the land revenue system.
a) What was the name of that system?
b) How did he measure and divide the land as per this system? Evaluate

The Governors of the states of India have similar functions at the state level as those of the President of India at the Union level. As the head of the state Governor exercises several powers.'
a) Who appoints the Governor and how long does he remain in power?
b) Explain any four powers enjoyed by the Governor

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