21.10.2020 • 
Social Studies

You are a reporter working for one of the leading newspapers in your city. Your editor has asked you to write a brief report on the Salem witch trials. Because it is a newspaper report, it must contain a factual
summary of the events that took place in the village of Salem between 1692 and 1693. Make sure you
remain objective in your report.
Your final replort should have a title, introduction, and closing statement. It should be about 250 to 300
words long. Here are a few questions to help you create an outline for your report:
Where did the trials take place?
• When did the trials take place?
• Who were the main individuals and groups involved?
• What were the major events?
When did the trials end?
• What were the long-term effects?
Use these resources to help you write your report:
• Understanding the Salem Witch Trials C
• Witchcraft in Saleme
• Famous Trials
Remember that some of your readers may have never heard about the Salem witch trials. Make sure your
report explains the events clearly. Present your facts in an unbiased manner.

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