11.04.2020 • 
Social Studies

Your friend Silva is concerned about her 18-month-old daughter's diet and is asking for your advice. Her daughter does not eat any fruits at all and the only vegetables she consumes are French fries. Silva's husband Daniel believes that because they live in a developed country they do not need to worry about nutritional deficiencies. What would you tell Silva and Daniel about their daughter's diet?
a. nutritional deficiencies exist in developed countries because toddlers' digestive systems cannot tolerate most orange and green vegetables; when their daughter turns 3 years old, Silva and Daniel should introduce more orange and green vegetables as well as fruit into her diet
b. Silva and Daniel should not worry about their daughter's diet at such a young age
c. nutritional deficiencies only exist in developed countries because toddlers do not get enough iodized salt; Silva and Daniel should make sure their daughter's French fries have iodized salt and she will be fine
d. nutritional deficiencies exist in developed countries when a healthy diet is not consumed; Silva and Daniel should try and maintain their daughter's intake of orange and green vegetables

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