20.10.2020 • 

Goal-Setting, Expectancy, Reinforcement, and Equity Theory Goal-Setting, Expectancy, Reinforcement, and Equity Theories all serve Theory Y managers in understanding how employees can be motivated at work. Employees seek interesting and challenging work in a fair work environment that allows for autonomy. There should be a system to engage everyone in the organization in goal setting and implementation as well as an expectation that effort expended will result in a positive outcome and be balanced from one employee to another (given the same work). Managers can also find success in fairness and a reward system that all employees value.
Goal-setting theory is based on the premise that employees are motivated when they are clear about the goals they are working toward. More importantly, they are more likely to engage to attain these goals if they collaborate with management in planning. Management by Objectives (MBO) is the process of discussion, review, and evaluation of goals between a manager and employee. Expectancy theory is based on the premise that the amount of effort employees exert on a specific task depends on their expectations of the outcome. Reinforcement theory states that individuals act to receive rewards and avoid punishment. A manager may attempt to surface good behaviors through rewards and extinguish poor behaviors through punishment. Equity theory zeros in on how employees' perceptions of fairness affect their willingness to perform.
Roll over each employee name to read a scenario. Match the scenario with the respective theory on the left by dragging the employee name to the corresponding theory.
1. Nathaniel has been late so much this month that he was not put on the project he requested to lead.
2. Robert does not want to go into work on his day off because he does not really need the overtime pay and that is the only benefit his boss offered.
3. Angela will be offered the role of team leader if she prepares a year-end profit and loss statement in Excel for the department, but she has not been trained to use Excel.
4. Rebecca's manager gave her a gift card to her favorite restaurant for having the highest value of sales in her department last month.
5. Gwen was glad she could sit down with her boss and plan the best schedule to accomplish her goals and objectives for the first quarter of the year.
6. Ruth found of that Liz is getting paid more per hour for doing the same job! Ruth has been with the company longer and her output is higher.
7. Jason is meeting with his manager to review the list of goals they spelled out last month to see what he has accomplished so far.
8. Daniel gave up his day off to help is boss hoping he would be appointed team leader, but the position was awarded to a co-worker who never helps out on the weekends!
A. Goal-setting
B. Expectancy
C. Reinforcement
D. Equity

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