25.03.2021 • 

18. What is the writer's purpose in writing the text? A. To tell the heroes of Indonesian.
B. To explain about the battle in details,
C. To inform about the history of Indonesian Heroes Day
D. To share the readers about Indonesian national revolution.
E. To discuss the importance role of Bung Tomo in the battle.

19. Where did the battle take place?
A. Surabaya
B. Jakarta
C. Bandung
D. Surakarta
E. Jembatan Merah

20. What did happen on Jembatan bridge?
A. Brigadier Mallaby was killed.
B. There was an air bombardment.
C. Signing the agreement with Mr. Surya
D. The leaflets were dropped by a British plane,
E. Indonesian surrendered their weapons to British army.​

18. What is the writer's purpose in writing the text?

A. To tell the heroes of Indonesian.B. To e

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