21.07.2019 • 

Before reading this is just a question that i already know, just leave your answers a girl named kelly goes to a frat party at 10 p.m. kelly decides to cut through the central park as a shortcut. central park is not the safest place at night. halfway through the park she remembers that she left her keys at the party. she then texts her best friend kyle and asks him to bring her the keys. kyle unfortunately says no to bring her keys to her, but then tells her to come back to the party to grab them. she then hears footsteps coming from behind her. she tells kyle about the footsteps, kyle then proceeds to tell her to just keep walking threw the park. kelly hears the footsteps getting closer and closer. she tells kyle that the footsteps are getting louder and faster. he then says to start running back to her dorm where she will be safe. she tells him that she can see a dark figure slowly moving towards her in the dark. he tells her to keep running and that he is on his way. she does not respond for 10 minutes. she responds that she hit her head on a rock after tripping over a branch. kyle then tells her to describe the trees around her. she says red wood tree next to a fallen down tree. she then says that the dark figure has found her. she stops texting again for 20 minutes. kyle shows up at the tree and finds blood on the ground but no signs of kelly. he then texts her to make sure that she is okay, she doesn't respond. 5 minutes later kelly says that she is safe in her dorm and that she had escaped the dark figure. kelly then asks kyle if he wants to come over and relax for a bit. kyle arrives at her what happens next? this is very obvious what happens next, if you know the answer post it below.

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