19.04.2021 • 

"Cam, Cam!" Cassandra shouted for the twentieth time, her eyes darting in controlled panic. She took a deep breath and looked again. "Have you seen a golden retriever?" she asked a sunbathing couple. She walked away before they could disappoint her with an answer. It was only about five minutes but it felt like hours. Carol had wrangled up a group of bystanders to help them look. Cassandra took just a moment to think about how quickly and efficiently her mother had taken control. If it were up to Cassandra they would just be running around the park screaming but Carol took initiative. She found a group of people willing to help and split them up into small groups. Cassandra was confident that Cam would be found in no time.

Thinking like a dog, Cassandra ventured over to a group of people enjoying a picnic. The savory aromas of grilled sausage and pepper would be enough to entice any dog, especially Cam, she thought. "Excuse me, have you seen a golden retriever?" Cassandra asked. The group shook their head with an apologetic no.

Cassandra saw Carol talking to family blowing bubbles behind the statue of Garibaldi. Her eyes were bloodshot, and it looked like she'd aged a decade. "Mom!" Cassandra shouted. Carol turned to her daughter and faked a weak smile. "I'm sorry, I checked by the fountain and the statue but no luck. Cassandra replied, "He's not by the picnic tables either. If Cam left the park, he's gone." At that moment they heard abrupt laughter.

Cassandra and Carol turned around to see two college students caught in hysterical laugher. "I couldn't believe that dog," one of them said. "I know, he was like a doggy genius," replied the other. Cassandra went over to the students and asked about the dog they were discussing. "Oh, there's an adorable golden retriever over by the chess boards. It looks like he wants to play chess," one of the students responded. "Thank you so much," replied a grateful Cassandra. With that, Carol and Cassandra sprinted towards the chess plaza.

Chapter 3

The Washington Square chess plaza was booming with avid chess players and novices alike. Some tables had even developed an audience surrounding them. The largest audience was circling a table at the far corner of the plaza. Carol and Cassandra could hear a mix of laughter and barking from that table.

Sitting at one of the benches was an older gentleman with kind eyes, wearing a newsboy cap. Staring right across from him with a chess piece in his mouth was Cam. The man moved one of his pawns toward Cam's bishop. Cam used his paw to sweep the piece off the board. The crowd roared in laughter. Next, Cam puts his slobbering knight back on the board, right on top of the man's queen. "Checkmate!" The man shouted and everyone clapped.

Cassandra and Carol could hardly believe what was going on. This whole time, as they were frantically searching for their lost pet, he was enjoying a game of chess. Of course, they were both too relieved to be upset. Cassandra let her body relax, and she slumped on the grass and watched her genius dog play chess. Carol let out a squeal of delight.

At that moment, as if by instinct, Cam turned his head towards the crowd. He barked as he leapt off the bench and ran towards his owner. Before Cassandra could even stand up, Cam was in her arms. He pushed her further into the ground and attacked her with slobbery kisses. The crowd laughed and started to disperse. Their entertainment for the day was over.

Cassandra, Carol, and Cam all walked back over to the fountain where they started their day. Cassandra rewarded her Wonder Dog with treats she had in her pocket. As Cam ate, Cassandra looked at the same fountain she saw every week and admired the beauty her little pocket in the city has to offer.

How do the Chapters 2 and 3 work together to develop the story?
Chapter 2 shows Cassandra and her mother searching for Cam, and Chapter 3 provides the solution when they finally find the dog.
Chapter 2 shows Cassandra and her mother touring different places in the park, and Chapter 3 reveals their decision that the chess plaza is the best place.
Chapter 2 shows the discouragement that Cassandra and her mother feel, and Chapter 3 provides the solution when the university students cheer them up.
Chapter 2 shows the fun that dogs have at the dog run, and Chapter 3 reveals the idea that Cassandra has of building a dog run.

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