08.03.2021 • 

Go to your parent, guardian or a mentor in your life and ask them the following questions: Do you have a budget, saving and investment plan? What does it look like and what are some things I can be doing
now to help me learn about doing this?
• How do you stay focused and organized with life stuff and work stuff?
What does integrity mean to you? Give me an example of when you paid a price to maintain your integrity.
Now it's your turn to tell you parent, guardian or mentor a few things you've learned in this unit:
Being proactive means that I have to make things happen rather than responding to things after they happen. When it
comes to going to college or starting a career I want to be proactive about...
• I feel prepared (or not prepared) for life after high school. I wish I knew more about... I'm optimistic that I'll be able to...
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