02.08.2019 • 

“hey, kid, how old are you? ” the man interrogating me was an inmate. i could not see his face, but his voice was weary and warm. “fifteen.” “no. you’re eighteen.” “but i’m not,” i said. “i’m fifteen.” “fool. listen to what i say.” * * * [dr. mengele] looked like the typical ss officer: a cruel, though not unintelligent, face, complete with monocle. he was holding a conductor’s baton and was surrounded by officers. the baton was moving constantly, sometimes to the right, sometimes to the left. in no time, i stood before him. “your age? ” he asked, perhaps trying to sound paternal. “i’m eighteen.” my voice was trembling. how is this excerpt from elie wiesel’s night an example of an internal conflict? select all that apply. a. he corrects the inmate when the man gets eliezer's age wrong b. he is afraid of what dr. mengele is going to do to him c. he considers whether or not to trust the inmate who tells him he's not fifteen d. he must decide whether or not to tell dr. mengele the truth about his age

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