17.11.2020 • 

PLEAS PLEAS HEL A student is writing a presentation for social studies class about a famous person. Read the draft of the presentation and complete the task that follows. Sojourner Truth was a woman whose ideas were advanced for the time in which she lived. After escaping slavery, she often spoke at women's rights conventions. At the Ohio Women's Rights Convention in 1851, Sojourner Truth gave a speech that she had not written down or practiced, but it would become famously known as her "Ain't I a Woman?" speech. Her powerful, on-the-spot speech inspired the crowd with ideas of women being intelligent and strong, both physically and mentally. The 19th Constitutional amendment, which gave women the right to vote, did not pass until almost 40 years later.

Choose the best way to revise the underlined phrase so that the presentation maintains a consistent tone.

A. argumentative

B. elaborate

C. motivated

D. unplanned


The phrases in bold are not written correctly. There is either an error in spelling or error in the way the term is used. Rewrite the sentence with the correct phrase.

1. She is very smart but she does not have a lot of common cents.

2. Much to the delight of the employees, a significant wage increase was announced over the bored.

3. He has taken dance to a hole nother level.

4. Actor Jim Carrey got his footing the door by performing in comedy clubs at age 15.

5. If you go to Chicago's Shedd Aquarium, you has as well go next door to The Field Museum.

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