17.04.2021 • 

. Read about transportation in Hong Kong;try to guess the name according to the description. Key: SUBWAY TRAM RICKSHAW FERRY


Thiswordcomes fromthe Japanese jinrikisha.It is a two-wheeled vehicle that is pulled byone person.Today, there are still about fifty of them in Hong Kong, but they are only for tourists.


Takeone of thesetocrossfrom HongKongIslandto Kowloonor tovisitone of thesmallerislands.Youcan also use them to travel to Macau and Guangdong.They are safe and comfortable, and one of the cheapest boat rides in the world.


Hong Kong’sundergroundrailway is calledthe MTR-the MassTransist Railway.It is the fastestwayto get

around.Two tunnels cross under the harbor and go from Hong Kong Island to Kowloon.


These are found on Hong Kong and take you to the top of Victoria Peak-584 meters (1.800 feet) above sea level.The system is over a hundred years old. In that time, there has never been an accident.Two cars carry up to 120 passengerseach.

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