03.12.2020 • 

What is the best summary of the piece? A.
Sange is angry with his yaks for not obeying his orders, and getting them lost in the mountains. He decides to take a nap in the late afternoon until they are ready to find their way back to the village.
Sange is having a difficult time getting his yaks to go home after grazing in a field. In frustration, he sits down to rest in the field. While relaxing, he hears a bell and sees children leaving school. He realizes that he wants more from life than to chase grazing cattle.
Sange is laying in a field with his yaks, tired and worn from a long day. He is woken up from a nap when he hears bells ringing and sees children are heading home from school. He rushes down the mountain, so the children won't see him.
Sange is walking his yaks through the mountains when he sees school children. He watches the children running and skipping as they leave the school, and he begins to wish he could attend.

Sange Sherpa was too tired to get the yaks to obey him today. Although they were well-fed, the yaks refused to move at all. Sange tried all the songs he knew and even acted tough toward his cattle. However, the yaks had minds of their own and took their sweet time getting home.
Exhausted from the journey to the village half a day away, Sange decided to rest for a moment with the yaks. It was a pleasant afternoon. Snow was melting away and the sun was spreading its red color on the mountains. Sange opened his cloth bag to chew on some roasted corn. He loved watching the sun prepare to set for the day while chewing corn. In the mountains, he could see the sun set at around four in the afternoon—way before the rest of the world. Life is simple, Sange thought. I can live forever like this.
As the yaks rested quietly with Sange, he was slowly falling asleep on the stone. He would have closed his eyes completely had he not heard the sound of bells ringing from far away. Sange climbed up on the nearest rock to see where the sound was coming from and saw a bunch of kids running out from a little building. He saw the kids jumping up and down carrying books in their hands. From a distance, he could hear them singing a song they perhaps learned from a teacher.
Sange got off the mountain and sank to the ground. Ready or not, he had to take the yaks home. He wanted to get out of the kids' way before they would pass him. As Sange felt his head and hear

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