08.03.2021 • 

Which revision to the last sentence best concludes this story and reflects on the significance of the experience?

As Abby ripped the wrapping paper off her birthday present, I

remembered all the hard work that had gone into making it. For a

week, I had written, edited, and rewritten a story about Amazing Abby

and her big sister Super Sophia. Then I spent days drawing and

coloring illustrations to match the story. Once it was finished, I

designed a cover and hand-stitched the pages together. It was a lot of

work, but the look on Abby's face when she opened her gift made it all

worth it. Abby might one day forget about that handmade book, but I

will never forget how I felt when I saw the joy my gift brought to her. All

in all, it was a memorable birthday.

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