25.06.2021 • 

You are surrounded by high temperature (millions K) gas and plasma, subjecting you to intense radiation including X-rays. The iron fillings in your teeth get ripped out and fly in the direction of increasing temperature. Bursts of X-rays emanate from the direction in which the fillings disappeared. From the opposite direction, a hot wind of H/He gas buffets you, the sky is very bright in that direction. The stars in the other direction rotate rapidly with a period of about 10 days. Where are you? A. You are in orbit around Jupiter, inside lo's orbit. Volcanic material from lo's surface is falling onto Jupiter creating most of your uncomfortable conditions.
B. You are trapped in between two neutron stars orbiting each other that are about to merge.
C. You are just outside the event horizon of a black hole that has a high magnetic field.
D. You are near the outer edge of an accretion disk in a "red giant star-neutron star" binary pair; the neutron star has an intense magnetic field.

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