29.10.2019 • 

20 points!
i need on a few questions if possible. : )

1. which of the below statements represent the beliefs of the democratic republican party? more than one could be correct

a) the government is strictly limited to what is written in the constitution

b) the best leaders for government are the wealthy farmers

c) the federal government should not be too strong. the states should have the majority of the power

d) to protect the factories, a tariff, or tax, must be placed on all goods shipped into the u.s. from foreign nations

2. the west grew rapidly as a result of transportation and trade on the:

a) boston post road and ohio river

b) mississippi river and wilderness road

c) ohio and mississippi river

3. how did the early railroads affect america’s transportation system?

a) the allowed for the shipment of goods to be less costly

b) they the government take control of commercial shipping

c) they allowed for the first commercial shipping in the country

d) they ended the use of canals for the shipment of goods

4. why did alexander hamilton want to create a national bank

a) to give farmers the opportunity to save their earnings

b) to lend money to other countries

c) to create a financially strong federal government

d) to lend money to the individual united states

5 and 6 are a picture and yes i know it says 10 and 11 but i knew the other questions

7. what road was funded by the federal government the connected the east with the west?

a) national road

b) boston port road

c) wilderness road

8. which of the statements below describes the beliefs of the federalist party? (more than one can be correct)

a) the government is not limited to what is written in the constitution but can also do what the constitution may imply

b) to be strong, the nation must have a strong federal government

c) the best leaders for the government are the merchants and factory owners

d) to protect the nations farms, they should be no tariff on goods shipped into the country

9. george washington, thomas jefferson, and james madison all warned us citizens about getting involved in other country’s affairs



10. what was the most important thing that thomas jefferson accomplished as

a) added the spanish territory of arizona to the us

b) added the louisiana territory to the us

c) added the british territory to the us

d) added the oregon territory to the us

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