26.09.2019 • 

4. what was one reason that immigrants came to america in the late 1800s?
a. european countries were paying people to go to america.
b. many came because the u.s. government guaranteed a minimum wage.
c. many were attracted by the opportunities to fight in the civil war.
d. many came to join family already in the united states.
student b

6. railroads encouraged the growth of settlements in the west because they
a. allowed police forces to travel quickly.
b. made it easier to move products from the interior of the country to the cities.
c. paid to remove local native americans, making settlement safe.
d. paid people to settle the great plains.
student a

16. which of the following was an advantage held by the north during the civil war?
a. northern whites believed in the cause of ending slavery.
b. the north had superior military leaders.
c. the north had more natural resources.
d. the north was fighting to defend itself.
student d

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