21.06.2021 • 

5.02 How geography has influenced settlement, trade, and governments in North America?

The of an area includes its land and water features, natural resources, and climate.

Geography affects what the can produce and how they with others. It shapes where people live, how they live, whom they trade with, and the way they organize government.

A country's people will for products they cannot produce themselves. This helps increase their

Some countries trade more than others because of .

EXAMPLE: the United States shares borders with Mexico and Canada. It makes sense that these countries would more with each other than distant countries because it is easier to move goods shorter distances.

5.03 Why nations diversify

North America has a variety of

Countries and goods and services to other countries to get what they need and want.

is the word we use to describe this buying and selling between countries.

A country's available help determine the goods and services it w ill produce.

They produce the products that are most for them to make at home.

is important to minimize risk of failure and loss of trade in an economy.

What is Standard of Living?

a level of needs and wants enjoyed by people each day. We use many different types of data to judge a country's standard of living.

For example, a country could have very low crime but most people could also be very poor. should focus on a variety of factors.

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