25.04.2020 • 

Use the map below to answer the following question:

A map showing the Mongol empire from 1207 to 1227. In 1207 the empire included the lands of the Mongolian Plateau where the Naimans, Kyrgyz, Merkts, Keraits, and Tatar tribes lived. Over time, the empire branched out to include the Jin Dynasty of east China and the Xia Dynasty of southern China. The map shows that the empire stretched all the way to the Khwarezmian Empire in the Middle East.
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Which of the following statements about Genghis Khan and his generals can be concluded from the map?

They operated from a central point and quickly conquered most of Asia and territory in eastern Europe.
They often traveled along the outskirts of Asian empires, which helped them move in relative safety.
They conquered as far west as the Khwarezmian Empire and as far east as the territories held by the Jin Dynasty.
They were unable to completely conquer the Jin and the Southern Song dynasties, despite multiple attempts.

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