16.06.2021 • 

Calculate the per capita emissions for each country. Fill your answers in the table below. (round to the hundredths place) Country CO2 Emissions (tons of carbon dioxide) 2012 population Emissions per Capita China 8,782,000,000 1,359,750,000 United States 5,144,000,000 316,597,000 India 2,185,000,000 1,233,460,000 Russia 1,646,000,000 143,400,000 Japan 1,232,000,000 127,310,000 Germany 733,000,000 80,523,700 Iran 583,000,000 76,876,000 South Korea 576,000,000 50,219,669 Indonesia 535,000,000 237,641,326 Canada 528,000,000 35,141,542 6. Find the mean CO2 emissions of the top 10 countries.

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