26.11.2019 • 

The populations, p, of six towns with time t in years are given by

1) p=2400(0.8)^t

2) p=900(0.77)^t





answer the following questions regarding the populations of the six towns above. whenever you need to enter several towns in one answer, enter your answer as a comma separated list of numbers. for example if town 1, town 2, town 3, and town 4, are all growing you could enter 1, 2, 3, 4 ; or 2, 4, 1, 3 ; or any other order of these four numerals separated by commas.

(a) which of the towns are growing?

(b) which of the towns are shrinking?

(c) which town is growing the fastest?
what is the annual percentage growth rate of that town? %

(d) which town is shrinking the fastest?
what is the annual percentage decay rate of that town? %

(e) which town has the largest initial population?

(f) which town has the smallest initial population?

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