01.03.2021 • 

Matter within the international space station experiences apparent weightlessness. If an astronaut needs to determine the mass of a substance, they can not use a traditional electronic balance or scale based on gravitational weight, like we do on Earth. Instead they use a Mass Measurement Device or an Inertial balance which is essentially a mass-spring simple harmonic oscillator. Consider an inertial balance with a spring constant k = 655 N/m. A large sample of dehydrated plant root is placed in the balance and is set into simple harmonic motion. If the frequency of motion is measured to be f = 3.55 Hz, then determine the following:

A. The period of oscillation, T.
B. The mass of the dehydrated plant root sample.
The same sample is again set into motion, but this time with half the original amplitude of oscillation. Determine the new period of oscillation and the mass of the sample without making a new calculation. Briefly explain your reasoning.

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