29.03.2020 • 
Social Studies

Chapter 4 – Socialization,
Interaction, and the Self

1. What is human nature?

2. Describe the nature vs. nurture debate.

3. What is socialization?

4. What can be learned about the importance of socialization by studying rare cases of children raised in
social isolation? Who is Genie?

5. Define the self.

6. Identify and describe each of the theories of the self.

7. What are agents of socialization? Identify and describe the agents of socialization discussed in

4. What role does each agent play in the process of socialization? What is hidden curriculum? 8. Give examples of ways in which adults are socialized. What is resocialization? What are total
institutions? Give examples.

9. Differentiate between statuses and roles. Define ascribed, achieved, and master status. 10. Define role conflict, role strain, and role exit.

Chapter 5 – Separate and Together: Life in Groups

1. What is a group?

2. What is the difference between a primary and secondary group?

3. What are social networks and social ties?

4. What is the relationship between anomie and group membership according to Durkheim? How do the
findings of research by Robert Putnam, Sherry Turkle and the Pew Research Center compare/contrast
with Durkheim’s concerns?

5. Define group dynamics.

6. Distinguish between a dyad and triad; in-groups and out-groups, as well as reference groups.

7. What is group cohesion, groupthink, and social influence?
8. Identify and describe the three experiments on conformity discussed in

Chapter 5.

9. What is social loafing?

10. Differentiate between instrumental and expressive leadership styles.

11. What is a bureaucracy? Describe characteristics of bureaucracies.

12. What is McDonaldization and who coined the term?

13. Read “In Relationships” on pages 132-3. Ferris and Stein claim that when it comes to social networking
sites, “you’re not the customer – you’re the product.” What do they mean by this?

Chapter 6 – Deviance

1. What is deviance?

2. Do all cultures view deviant behavior in the same way? How do they differ regarding body

3. Identify and describe each of the theories of deviance.

4. Define stigma.

5. Why do people engage in deviant behavior, according to Jack Katz?

6. What is the UCR? What are some of the trends relating to crime in the U.S. identified by the UCR?

7. What is the correlation of crime and demographics such as class, age, gender, and race?

8. What is deterrence? Identify the justifications for punishment.
9. What is positive deviance?

10. Read “In Relationships” on pages 158-9. What is cyberbullying? Why is it on the rise and what are the
consequences of cyberbullying?

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